
A python package for Zero Inflated Regression

STAT 689 Course Project Spring '18

Eric Chuu, Rajan Kapoor

Project Repo:



- Introduction

- ZIP Model Specifications

- Algorithm flowchart

- Classes and Methods

- Usage

- Results

- To Do


Poisson Regression


  • $y_i \textrm{ } \big| \textrm{ } x_i \sim \mathrm{Poisson}$: $$P \left( Y_i = y_i \textrm{ } | \textrm{ } x_i \right) = \frac{\exp(-\mu_i) \cdot \mu_i^{y_i}}{y_i!} \cdot \mathbb{1} \left( y_i \in \{0, 1, 2, \ldots \} \right), \quad \mu_i = \exp \left( x_i' \beta \right) $$
  • Equidispersion: $$E \left( Y_i \textrm{ } \big| \textrm{ } x_i\right) = \mu_i = Var \left( Y_i \textrm{ } \big| \textrm{ } x_i \right)$$

Count Data in Different Fields

Number of House and Senate Actions Taken in Response to Supreme Court Decisions (1979-88)

See paper here


  • Modeling the number of courses failed in 2008-2009 at Iran University of Medical Sciences (See paper here)

Software Analysis

  • Modeling the number of faults in a source file during system tests (See paper here).

Zero Inflated Poisson Regression

Idea: zeros in the data are generated by a separate process that can be modeled independently

  • Poisson Count Model
  • Zero Inflated Model


- Introduction

- ZIP Model Specifications

- Algorithm flowchart

- Classes and Methods

- Usage

- Results

- To Do

ZIP Model Specifications

Data is generated by one of two processes, with each process chosen with probability $\varphi_i$.

$ y_i = \begin{cases} 0 \quad &\textrm{with probability $\varphi_i$} \\ g(y_i) \quad &\textrm{with probability 1 - $\varphi_i$} \end{cases} $

This gives us the following probability mass function:

$ P\left(Y_i = y_i \textrm{ } \big| \textrm{ } x_i, z_i \right) = \begin{cases} \varphi_i + (1 - \varphi_i) \cdot \exp(-\mu_i) \quad &\textrm{if $y_i = 0$} \\ (1 - \varphi_i) \cdot \exp(-\mu_i) \cdot \mu_i^{y_i} \big/ y_i! \quad &\textrm{if $y_i > 0$} \end{cases} $

  • $\varphi_i = F_i = F\left(z_i' \gamma\right)$ is the link function
  • $x_i$ is the vector of covariates for the count model
  • $z_i$ is the vector of covariates for the zero inflation model
  • $\gamma$ is the vector of zero inflation coefficients
  • $\mu_i = \exp{x_i' \beta}$, where $\beta$ is the vector of coefficients for the count model

ZIP Model Specifications

Expectation and Variance Calculations

  • $E \left( Y_i \textrm{ } \big| \textrm{ } x_i, z_i \right) = \mu_i \cdot (1 - \varphi_i)$
  • $Var\left(Y_i \textrm{ } \big| \textrm{ } x_i, z_i\right) = E\left( Y_i \textrm{ } \big| \textrm{ } x_i, z_i \right) (1 + \mu_i \varphi_i) > E \left( Y_i \textrm{ } \big| \textrm{ } x_i, z_i \right)$

Log-likelihood can then be written in a general form:

$$ \mathcal{L} = \sum_{i=1}^n w_i \log \left[ P\left( y_i \textrm{ } \big| \textrm{ } x_i, z_i \right) \right] $$

  • Exact form of log-likelihood arises when link function chosen
  • Maximize this with Newton-Raphson or EM

(Zero Inflated) Negative Binomial, Geometric Regression are other options that may better handle overdispersion


- Introduction

- ZIP Model Specifications

- Algorithm flowchart

- Classes and Methods

- Usage

- Results

- To Do

Algorithm flowchart


- Introduction

- ZIP Model Specifications

- Algorithm flowchart

- Classes and Methods

- Usage

- Results

- To Do

Classes and Methods

  • LinkClass
    • Instance Methods: link, link_inv, link_inv_deriv
  • Classes Inheriting LinkClass: Logit, Probit, CLogLog, Cauchit, Log
  • ZeroInflated
    • Instance Methods:
      • ziPoisson, ziNegBin, ziGeom
      • gradPoisson, gradNegBin, gradGeom
      • EM_estimate
      • fit
      • setter methods
    • Static Methods:
      • convert_params
      • argument processing methods (dist, formula, link)
  • ZeroInflatedResults
    • Instance methods: summary, printModel, predict, vcov


- Intro: Zero Inflation

- ZIP Model Specifications

- Algorithm flowchart

- Classes and Methods

- Usage

- Results

- To Do


ZeroInflated(formula_str, df, params):

  • Creates an instance of class ZeroInflated.
  • Default params: dist = 'poisson', link = 'logit'

ZeroInflated(formula_str, df).fit(params):

  • Returns an instance of class ZeroInflatedResults.
  • Default params: EM = True, method = BFGS

ZeroInflated(formula_str, df).EM_estimate():

  • Returns EM estimates of model as dict of pandas series.

ZeroInflated(formula_str, df).fit(params).method:

  • method = summary, printModel, predict, vcov

Example dataset: DebTrivedi

Model for demand for medical care by elderly (ref.):

  • 4406 indivduals aged 66 and above covered by medicare ('87/88 survey)
  • Model demand for medicare: # of physician/non physician office and hospital visits ofp
  • covariates for patients:
    • hosp : # of hospital stays
    • health: self perceived health status
    • numchron: # of chronic conditions
    • privins: private insurance indicator
    • gender
    • school
In [4]:
from zeroinfl import *

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pandas.core import datetools

df = pd.read_csv('DebTrivedi.csv',index_col = [0])
sel = np.array([1, 6, 7, 8, 13, 15, 18])-1
df = df.iloc[:,sel]

formula_str = 'ofp ~ hosp + health + numchron + gender + school + privins | health'

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
data_ofp = df.iloc[:,0].values.astype(int)
plt.hist(data_ofp, bins=np.arange(data_ofp.min(), data_ofp.max()), align = 'left', ec='black')
plt.xlabel('Number of physician office visits');plt.ylabel('Frequency')

Usage: printModel()

In [6]:
ZeroInflated(formula_str, df).fit().printModel()
ZeroInflated(formula_str='ofp ~ hosp + health + numchron + gender + school + privins | health', data=df, dist='poisson', offsetx=None, offsetz=None, link='logit', weights=None, missing='none')

Count model cefficients (poisson log link): 
  Intercept health[T.excellent] health[T.poor] gender[T.male] privins[T.yes]  \
    1.39367            -0.30775        0.25420       -0.06486        0.08544   

      hosp numchron   school  
   0.15913  0.10328  0.01959  

Zero-inflation model coefficients (binomial with logit link): 
  Intercept health[T.excellent] health[T.poor]
   -1.73364             0.47491       -0.39916

Results from pscl package in R: print()

> model <- pscl::zeroinfl(ofp ~ health+gender+privins+hosp+numchron+school| health,
  data = dt, dist = 'poisson')
> print(model)
pscl::zeroinfl(formula = ofp ~ health + gender + privins + hosp + numchron + school | health,
    data = dt, dist = "poisson")

Count model coefficients (poisson with log link):
  (Intercept)   healthpoor  healthexcellent   gendermale   privinsyes     hosp  
      1.39367      0.25420         -0.30775     -0.06486      0.08544  0.15913  
     numchron       school  
      0.10328      0.01959  

Zero-inflation model coefficients (binomial with logit link):
    (Intercept)       healthpoor  healthexcellent  
        -1.7336          -0.3992           0.4749 

Usage: summary()

In [4]:
ZeroInflated(formula_str, df).fit().summary()
ZeroInflated(formula_str='ofp ~ hosp + health + numchron + gender + school + privins | health', data=df, dist='poisson', offsetx=None, offsetz=None, link='logit', weights=None, missing='none')

Pearson residuals:
       Min        1Q    Median        3Q       Max
 -28.81532  -3.64394  -1.42507   1.97142  72.65782

Count model cefficients (poisson log link): 
                    |  Estimate|Std. Error|   z value|  Pr(>|z|)
           Intercept|    1.3937|    0.0245|     56.86|    <2e-16
 health[T.excellent]|   -0.3078|    0.0314|    -9.791|    <2e-16
      health[T.poor]|    0.2542|    0.0177|    14.339|    <2e-16
      gender[T.male]|   -0.0649|    0.0131|    -4.946| 7.5608e-7
      privins[T.yes]|    0.0854|    0.0173|     4.936| 7.9923e-7
                hosp|    0.1591|    0.0061|    26.262|    <2e-16
            numchron|    0.1033|    0.0047|    21.805|    <2e-16
              school|    0.0196|    0.0019|    10.393|    <2e-16

Zero-inflation model coefficients (binomial with logit link): 
                    |  Estimate|Std. Error|   z value|  Pr(>|z|)
           Intercept|   -1.7336|    0.0481|    -36.04|    <2e-16
 health[T.excellent]|    0.4749|    0.1455|     3.265| 1.0960e-3
      health[T.poor]|   -0.3992|    0.1466|    -2.724| 6.4570e-3
Number of iterations in BFGS optimization: 13
Log-likelihood: -1.629e+4 on 11 Df.

Results from pscl package in R: summary()

> summary(model)
pscl::zeroinfl(formula = ofp ~ health + gender + privins + hosp + numchron + 
    school | health, data = dt, dist = "poisson")

Pearson residuals:
    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-2.5417 -1.2132 -0.4612  0.5889 25.1526 

Count model coefficients (poisson with log link):
                 Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept)      1.393672   0.024506  56.870  < 2e-16 ***
healthpoor       0.254201   0.017726  14.340  < 2e-16 ***
healthexcellent -0.307754   0.031428  -9.792  < 2e-16 ***
gendermale      -0.064859   0.013111  -4.947 7.54e-07 ***
privinsyes       0.085441   0.017310   4.936 7.97e-07 ***
hosp             0.159127   0.006059  26.262  < 2e-16 ***
numchron         0.103280   0.004736  21.806  < 2e-16 ***
school           0.019591   0.001885  10.395  < 2e-16 ***

Zero-inflation model coefficients (binomial with logit link):
                Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept)     -1.73364    0.04809 -36.050  < 2e-16 ***
healthpoor      -0.39916    0.14655  -2.724  0.00646 ** 
healthexcellent  0.47490    0.14542   3.266  0.00109 ** 
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 

Number of iterations in BFGS optimization: 17 
Log-likelihood: -1.629e+04 on 11 Df


- Introduction

- ZIP Model Specifications

- Algorithm flowchart

- Classes and Methods

- Usage

- Results

- To Do


Count: Python R
Intercept 1.39367 1.39367
health[T.excellent] -0.30775 -0.30775
health[T.poor] 0.25420 0.25420
gender[T.male] -0.06486 -0.06486
privins[T.yes] 0.08544 0.08544
hosp 0.15913 0.15913
numchron 0.10328 0.10328
school 0.01959 0.01959
Zero: Python R
Intercept -1.73364 -1.73364
health[T.excellent] 0.47490 0.47489
health[T.poor] -0.39916 -0.39916


Count: Python R
Intercept 0.92523 0.92523
health[T.excellent] -0.34160 -0.34160
health[T.poor] 0.31351 0.31352
gender[T.male] -0.12678 -0.12678
privins[T.yes] 0.22483 0.22483
hosp 0.22057 0.22057
numchron 0.17603 0.17603
school 0.02689 0.02689
Zero: Python R
Intercept -24.34361 -24.33868
health[T.excellent] 10.00308 9.99858
health[T.poor] 19.44489 19.43996


Count: Python R
Intercept 0.94181 0.94206
health[T.excellent] -0.32944 -0.32945
health[T.poor] 0.32891 0.32884
gender[T.male] -0.12468 -0.12465
privins[T.yes] 0.21839 0.21832
hosp 0.22252 0.22250
numchron 0.17366 0.17363
school 0.02667 0.02667
theta 1.25876 1.25925
Zero: Python R
Intercept -5.04317 -5.02321
health[T.excellent] 1.08234 1.06984
health[T.poor] 1.61952 1.60087


- Introduction

- ZIP Model Specifications

- Algorithm flowchart

- Classes and Methods

- Usage

- Results

- To Do

  • Major:
    • Summary statistics, predict()
    • Vuong's Test
    • Testing on 4 more datasets
  • Minor:
    • Dealing with missing values
    • Functions docs
    • Use standard names for ZeoInflatedResults class attributes (eg from python glm results class names)
  • Exploring:
    • Should ZeroInflatedResults class be inherited from ZeroInflated class
    • Should ZeroInflated class be inherited from Loglikelihood class
  • Future:
    • Regularized optimization for ZIP, ZINB, ZIG
    • Negative Binomial regression with joint estimation of theta and mu with variable weights.
    • Use above for optimal EM estimation of starting values for ZINB.